Page 101 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 5
P. 101

Church Traditions for a Christian Psychology

             Incarnational Reality saves us from the illu-     The Person of the Therapist
             sory nature of evil. Apart from Christ, we are
             under the power of sin and death and the web of   To be saved, to become a Christian, is to be-
             illusions that fuel self-pity, envy, fear, and hate.     come incarnate of Christ. “We must therefore
             Evil has no capacity to create, but only to twist   open every door of our being to this Presence,
             and  distort  what  God  (the  only  Creator)  has   to  our  God.    It  is  then  that  we  are  healed  in
             made.  In Christ’s Presence we are given “po-     spirit, in intellect and will, and in our intuiti-
             wer to recognize and hate the delusion - and to   ve, imaginative, and sensory faculties.  And it
             walk away from it. And we are given the power     is then that we as healers, as channels of God’s
             to accept the true center and walk into it” (HP   Love  and  Presence,  literally  carry  Christ  into
             p. 84). My counseling practice has become in-     the lives of others.  This is what conversion is –
             creasingly focused on helping my patients abide   the ongoing process of being filled with Christ”
             in Christ.  In a sense, my definition of psycho-  (Real Presence p. 61). God’s renewing life within
             pathology has become anything (any diseased       strengthens our will to choose to yield to Him
             feeling,  compulsion,  attitude,  etc.)  that  turns   each day.  “It is only by remembering that ‘Ano-
             one back toward the illusory self and away from   ther lives in me’ that we can die daily to that old,
             Christ.  Christ’s presence grants us His wisdom   false, usurping self, and that we continue to be
             and knowledge and save us from the illusions      drawn ‘further in and higher up’ into the life of
             generated  by  evil.  “It  is  dangerous  to  live  out   God” (Real Presence p. 74). I will focus much
             of the compulsive, illusory self - that center of   of this article on the person of the therapist, be-
             pride,  inferiority,  fear,  and  pain,  the  hurting,   cause we have the great privilege of being ves-
             unhealed childish attitudes within. We are of-    sels through which God will love His world.
             ten told to accept that self. We are not to.  The
             ‘child within’ is healed, accepted, and integrated   Celebrate our smallness. “Your inadequacy is
             into our being as a whole.  But we must die to    your  first  qualification”  (Healing  Presence,  p.
             its misconceived attitudes and illusory self, for   21). The reality that we abide in Him, the Un-
             we cannot abide in Christ there” (Healing Pre-    seen Real, allows us to know and take comfort
             sence, p. 87). This separation of light from dar-  in our smallness. Our dedicated scholarly work,
             kness, of good from evil, is another central tenet   advanced  technical  training,  and  on-the-job
             of Leanne’s ministry that widened the channel     learning from our patients is of great value. But
             for God’s healing power.                          our knowledge and skill cannot be our source
                                                               of hope. When I tell a patient with confidence,
             Incarnational Reality empowers our ministry.      “this can be healed,” my certainty does not arise
             “Christ in us, His people, at once gives us ac-   from an inventory of my resources. I am not a
             cess to the mind and power of God” (Healing       master but a disciple. I am not first an expert,
             Presence,  p.  114).  We  have  the  Holy  Spirit  as   but one who is (apart from God) inadequate.
             Gift, and the gifts of the Spirit of discernment,   Knowing  and  accepting  ourselves  as  such  al-
             power, and inspiration. God has also generous-    lows us to depend on God, to open our ears for
             ly poured into each one of natural gifts that aid   His voice. Apart from God I recognize that I am
             our  counseling  work.  In  our  openness  to  the   powerless to meet the needs that my patients
             authentic Christian supernatural, we “should be   bring to our sessions. As someone who entered
             of all men the most practical, the most down-     this field with grandiose expectations of myself,
             to-earth”, for Christ indwells us and we submit   I now experience great joy in leaning with all I
             our will, reason, intuition, and sensory-feeling   am on my Father’s adequacy. My only require-
             being to His rule. “To do this is to become a sac-  ment is to trust Him and practice His Presence,
             ramental vessel that wafts continually the sweet   and He truly is the one who does the healing
             aroma of the gifts and fruits of His Presence;    work.
             those that have to do with Christian man’s ways   Practice the Presence. “The practice of the Pre-
             of being, knowing, willing, and doing” (Healing   sence, then, is simply the discipline of calling to
             Presence, p. 125).                                mind the truth that God is with us.

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